Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Party at Fort Harrison

The day after our party at Jonathan Byrd's, we had yet another party to finish off the weekend. We all went to Fort Harrison for a picnic. The guys played a vigorous game of extreme frisbee...thank God no one was hurt!

My spunky grandma decided she wanted my uncle, Mark, to take her for a ride on his Harley. Isn't she the cutest?!

When they came back from their ride, we all made a tunnel and cheered them into the parking lot!

Wes couldn't resist taking a ride on my uncle's Harley. It's his dream to one day own one, but our Honda will have to due for now :)

My Uncle Robert is such a good photographer. I just love this picture...


The Brown's said...

You and Wes are too cute :)

JawzP said...

That is a great photo of you two. You look like movie stars!
