Monday, June 9, 2008

Cheerleading Initiation

Steph and I are so excited with this season's new squad. We have 11 girls this year! And since we had so many "newbies," we decided to have a cheerleader initiation night at my house. (From left to right: Abby, Alyssa, Jordan R., Krista and Melissa)

Lauryn and Kaylin...

Alexis, Jordan C. and Sam (or the green chicks)...

We had the girls start off the night by making signs for each other that they would eventually wear on their backs the rest of the night.

Then things got a little rough, and we had them makeover each other with crazy hair and makeup. The girls were good sports and had fun with it.


The Brown's said...

That was way fun :) Great pics! P.S. Nice Bible!!! HA!

The Brown's said...

That was so much fun :) And the girls look so purty! I loved how they did the conga line on the circle :) p.s. Nice Bible!

The Brown's said...

Who knew we were supposed to all wear green!!!
